George Michael has a new single in case u didn't know.
and i personally think it's Hot!
George Miachael - An Easier Affairthe lyrics basically talks about his personal growth and the changes he has over the years and how ppl talkin doesn't affect him anymore. in other words, he's proud of himself as a gay man.
he says:
"I told myself i was straight
but i shouldn't have worried
cause my maker had a better plans for me"
im happy for him, no i seriously am. achieving this stage\phase\way of thinkin-call it what u like, is diffenetly one of the best achievments anyone could do.
the lyrics shows a somehow different George, a more mature and wiser one, which is always a good thing, but we def. can see no changes at all when it comes to the tunes..
sounds very much like 90s pop, the george michael-y kinda pop. (im a big fan, so it's totally fine with me!)
However, the song didnt do so good on the charts as i heard, the sales didnt do much either, accoarding to
Yahoo!music the song debuted at #74 in the UK charts and picked up to #13 in its first week, and i searched today and couldnt find it in any of the top 50 charts :(
It was #1 in mid July in
Italy though, not so bad, but not so good either..
but i'm pretty sure it will be back once the album is released in Dec.(i guess?)- which will be a second part of his
Best of album which was released back in '98 before
I really wanted to find some caps of the video, i wanna post him wearing those Dior glasses(im not sure really, alotta designer did the same style lately)that i was this close to get last month but -fortunately-changed my mind at the last minute, that Dior hype always gets me, even though it's SO not my style.
still, they looked amazing on him!
watch the video on AOL UK